My DS, Aaron, is now on school holidays and I love having him around! There are eight years difference between my two children and finding activities for them to share... or work in conjunction with... can sometimes be a challenge :-) Baking in the kitchen is a sure winner; and "Hide and Seek" always has me and Aaron in giggles when Four year-old Rosie announces her whereabouts before we go looking for her!
There will be lots of crafting activities as always, and I will get some designing and stitching "in" when I can grab the time! As I am doing a lot of this at the moment, dear ole' Mr SUDS has taken on extra household duties, and I don't know what I'd do without him! :-)
I am very excited because I have a number of designs in various stages at the moment, and I can't wait to share them with you!
And talking of sharing, two beautiful ladies have shared their renditions of my free design, "A House in the Country"...

This is Peg's version, and isn't it a cutie? I love the red polka dot fabric and how the colour ties in nicely to the central attraction of the house button. It's so cute, Peg! Thanks for sharing!!
Mai found the perfect house button for her stitchery which she put in this beautiful rustic frame. It's such a quick little project that Mai took her stitching on holiday with her and completed it at the poolside! Thank you too Mai, for sharing!!
Have you downloaded my free pattern and started stitching yet? If so, I'd love to see your finished items and post your photos on my blog. (If you want me to!)
Fiona's Giveaway!
To ensure that none of you miss out on any of The Gumtree Designers' giveaways, we are each posting about them every couple of days. So today I'd like to tell you about Fiona's giveaway!
Fiona's generous goodies comprise a complete kit to make her "Family Love" wall quilt. This includes ALL fabrics, Madeira variegated rayon thread, and of course, her original comprehensive pattern. So if you haven't entered already... go pay Fiona a visit. She has just released a gorgeous bag pattern too!
Speak to you soon! Hugs! Vikki x
I have just downloaded your "A house in the country". Thank you for sharing :)
Peg ALWAYS does gorgeous things with stitcheries, and I LOVE the red polka dots!!
What a truly beautiful button Mai used!! I'd love to get me one of those!
Your stitchery is so sweet and versatile, Vikki - I'd like it on the front of the breadmaker cover I intend to make over the next couple of weeks...which is why those red polka dots caught my eye. I was thinking red would be nice.
The stitcheries are gorgeous - i am loking for the perfect button :)
So glad you had a great weekend!!! I love how your darling stitchery pattern has come up with Peg's and Mai's handiwork!!! I just love the dots too, I've gone mad on dots lately!! That's such a cute stitchery ... think I'll have to hunt through my (many) buttons and find me a house one so I can do it too!!
Lotsa love,
Joy :o)
Hi babe, have heaps of fun with Aaron and Rosie, I know how much you like having them at home.
Loving the ladies versions of your design , look really good.
Don't work too hard!! Will email soon,
hugs Deb
Thanks for the free looks lovely!
How cute are those sticheries.
Hi Vikki,
Peg and Mai have done a fantastic job on your design.
So good of them to share their pictures!
Oh, you do sound very busy. Enjoy your school holidays.
I babe is turning 16 this week and he thinks he is having a birthday all week long. lol
We had three extra teenage boys in our house last night.
Oh fun.
Chat soon,
How fun, enjoy the holidays! Crafting is always good.
I love the different projects using your designs. I've downloaded it myself, just have too many projects going! I'm going to a sewing expo this coming weekend, so I'll be on the lookout for a house button!
Hope you all enjoy the school holidays Vikki. We still have 2 weeks until ours start.
Thanks for sharing the photos the ladies sent you of their version of your free design.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Thank you for sharing your pattern and the lovely versions of it.
Have a good week.
Hi, I´m CARLA from Spain (Navarra) and must to tell you, your works are so nice!!
I know you by the Club APASIONADA POR LAS MANUALIDADES because I´m a member of the club.
I appreciate if you visit my blog and let me know what do you think?
Best regards,
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