Because Among the Gum Trees has brought together nine established and emerging Australian designers, I thought it was only fitting that I should offer you some patterns and books from some of my favourite Aussies :-)
First up is a gorgeous pattern by the ever-popular Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly Designs.
Second up, is this fabulous book by Tracey North of I Luv Country. There are some exquisite stitchery designs in this 20-page book with full directions on how to colour them :-)
And last - but not least - a pattern for a Sampler needle case by Lynette Anderson-O'Rourke. I have included the house button for this project. It's SO cute!
To enter my giveaway this is what you need to do:
- Put the Among the Gum Trees blog button on your SIDEBAR and LINK it back to the Among the Gum Trees blog = 1 entry
- Become a follower of Among the Gum Trees = 1 entry
- Become a follower of MY blog (or if you already are) = 1 entry
Please leave a comment for each entry telling me what you have done. :-) You only have to add the blog button (to your blog) once, and you get 1 entry into all of our giveaways - so long as you TELL US in your comment. If you do not have a blog, you can still have one entry into the giveaway if you leave a comment which also contains your email address :-)
There are nine Gum Tree Designers launching giveaways today and we will be checking your blogs to see you have added our button to your sidebar before we confirm your entry into our giveaways. Fair is fair :-)
Here is our blog button:
Deadine for entries is 10.00am Wednesday 30th September AEST
GOOD LUCK and hugs from Vikki! x
1 – 200 of 558 Newer› Newest»Hi Vikki,
I hope to be blessed with this gift, because I love all you generously this sort.
I already have the button on my blog and I am his follower.
Thank you.
ok here I go again..last messages have vanished, oh I love red brolly designs you girls have such wonderful items thanks for the chance..yes I have the button on my sidebar,cheers Vickie
oh yes me I am a follower of Gum Tree Designs,cheers Vickie
yes yes yes I am a follower of your blog-gosh i don't want to miss anything,cheers Vickie
Hi Vikki,so exciting can you see I'm jumping up and down with excitement for you
You know I already follow Gum Tree Designs
Would love to win these wonderful items I am a follower of yours and the new blog
Oh yes, I have the button (big grin), I've done it all and I'm off to do it all again ;o)
ha ha, the verification word is
heeps. Thats how many comments I'm leaving this morning - heaps!!
I am a follower of Gum Tree Designs.
I am a follower of your blog and would love to win these goodies.
I have added Gum Tree Designs button to my sidebar.
This is such a fun giveaway! Thanks so much.
I've already put the button on my blog and signed up as a follower.
I have done all three. please count me in. Any of these prizes would make me very happy.
Hi Vikki, done all the requirements yesterday. Even mentioned the new blog on a Yahoo group i'm in. Please count me in for the draw. Hugs, Jeanette
I follow the Gum Tree blog!
I have the gum tree button on my blog!
Hi Vikki,
I've done all three :) What a fun time we are all in for! Thank you for being so generous,
So so fun! Entry 1, I've added the Gum Trees button and linked it, and blogged about it - I want everyone to know!
Entry 2, I'm a follower of Among the Gum Trees!
And entry 3, I'm a follower of your blog. Now let's see if I can hold my breath and keep my fingers crossed until the 30th, lol!!!!!
I became a follower of Among the Gumtrees yesterday and have just joined your blog too! It's beautiful! I dont know how to ad the logo to my sidebar though unfortunately. Good luck to all
Congrats on being one of the 9 gum-nutters! I have just become a follower of your blog.
I am also a follower of The Gum Tree blog.
And I have the button in my sidebar. Can't wait to see the freebie patterns once they are released in October - although I don't think I need a reminder that Christmas is not that far away!
I'm a follower of Gum Trees blog.
Gail (
I'm now a follower of your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win great prizes!
Gail (
he cumplido con todos los requisitos, espero que el idioma no sea impedimento alguno...
Los regalos son fabulosos, quiero uno!!!
Visita mi blog para ver si he cumplido con todo...
Hi Vikki , I have done all required ! Pick me , pick me !
Thanks for your giveaway,
I am now your follower...
Sandy N
I am also a follower of the new blog "Among the Gum Trees.
Sandy N
I have added the button to my blog.
Sandy N
Hi I have become a follower of Among the Gum Trees
Thanks for a wonderful prizes.
Sylvia F
I also have become a follower of you blog...
Sylvia F
Hi Vikki, Please give me 1 entry I already have the "Among the Gumtrees" button on my BLOG. Cheers
Please give me a 2nd entry to your give away I am already a follower to "Among the Gumtrees" BLOG. Cheers
THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU, for your generous giveaway - I just LOVE the "Gingham Girls" . PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me a 3rd entry to your giveaway as I am a follower to your BLOG. Cheers and Hugs
What a lovely prize. I have the button on my blog
Hi Vikki! I am a follower of your blog, and also among the gum trees! :~)
Can't do the side bar thingy until my blog is up and running.
lovely giveaway!
Just to let you know I am a follower of the Gum Tree Blog as of last evening. Thanks
Hi Vicki
I'm a follower of the Gum Tree blog
I have the Gum Tree Button on my blog
And now to let you know I just became a follower of your blog. Thanks for what you are doing.
I love all the giveaways, please count me in.
Hi Vikki
I follow your blog by having your blog in my "Blogs to Visit" list which updates every time I go to my blog... so I'm an unofficial follower, not sure if that counts.
I am a follower
I am a Gum Nut follower with it on my side bar
Hi!! I already have the button on my sewing blog, and I follow all the designers' blogs as well as Gum Tree Designers, I just love what you girls are doing and I am so looking forward to the projects coming our way in the coming months x
Hello from the States Vikki,
I have posted the Gum Tree button on my blog with a link :-)
I also am a follower of the Gum Tree Designers blog :-)
And yes, I am now a follower of your blog....looking forward to poking around in here :-)
Hi Vikki...I have done all three...what fun this is and your give a ways are all so very generous
I am a Gum Tree follower--thanks for being one of the designers--hugs, just, Di
I have the Gum Tree logo on my blog post and will be grouping all 9 of you gals sites in one list--I don;t want to miss any of you--Hugs, just, Di
Hi I am a follower of yours and I love your site--I love the birds and the pretty colors--happy designing--Hug, just, Di
Thanks Vikki.
I've added that button
I'm following your blog and Gumtree Designers like a lost puppy Thanks
I'm all signed up and ready to win This is great for all of us blogging followers
Hi Vikki,
I'm already a follower of your blog... Love it!
and I follow the Gum Tree blog...
...and the Gum Tree button is up and running on my blog! Yay!
This is a great giveaway... and such a good idea to have a collective blog! Genius!
Hola, Vikki!
Muchas gracias por tanta generosidad!
Por favor, anóteme a su sorteo con 3 entradas (soy seguidora de ambos blogs, puse el botón en la barra lateral y hoy publiqué la gran noticia en mi blog)!!!
Google Traductor: "Hi, Vikki!
Thank you very much for such generosity!
Please anóteme your drawing with 3 inputs (I'm fan of both blogs, I put the button in the sidebar and I published the big news today on my blog)!
oh I would love to be in the draw please
I have the link in my side bar hugs beth
I am a follower of the gum tree blog
hugs Beth
I am a follower of your blog
thank you for the chance to win hugs Beth
Thank you all for this chance. I've added your button to my blog, I've bleated about it in a post, I'm now following the Gumtrees blog and I'm a new follower to this blog. I guess I'll have to allocate more time to my blog-reading schedule to keep up with it all!
your new friend - bronny
I've put the button on my sidebar and hope this gives me an entry in your giveaway,
Lotta in Sweden
For a second entry I have added you to my subscriptions on GoogleReader and I hope that means that I'm a follower,
Lotta in Sweden
Here i am again to let you know that I added the GumTree blog to my subscription list yesterday when it was launched. This will give me a third chance to win, I hope,
Lotta in Sweden
I am a follower of your blog.
I am a follower of the Among the Gum Tree blog.
I put the Among the Gum Tree button on my side bar and connected to the blog.
This looks like an exciting new venture with "Gum Tree Designers".
1. I have posted the "Among The Gum Trees" button on my blog sidebar.
jwsmoore at bordernet dot com dot au
I follow you.
I have put the button on my blog and linked it.
I follow the Gum Trees blog.
2. I've become a follower of "Among The Gum Treese"
jwsmoore at bordernet dot com dot au
3. I've become a follower of your blog also
jwsmoore at bordernet dot com dot au
Congratulation to you all. What a great giveaway. I would love to win this one.
Me again :) Have put the among the gum tree button on my blog sidebar and that gives an extra entry.
And me again. I am a follower of both your blog and among the gum trees blog via bloglines. So I wont' miss anything :) Looking forward to the christmaspatterns.
I am now a follower of your blog. I am also a follower of the Gum Tree blog. I have posted the button on my sidebar.
Hola Vikki.He puesto el boton en el lateral de mi blog con enlace al mismo.
Quiero agradecerle la oportunidad de participar en su regalo, y soy seguidora de su blog personal.
Sere su discipula en el blog entre los arboles de goma ya que soy una seguidora del mismo
Love the items in your giveaway - I am now a follower of Among the Gum Trees and I will become a follower of your blog!
Thanks for the wonderful giveway, love australian patterns hard to find in France !
I am a follower of both blogs.
Your button is on my sidebar.
Hi Vikki
What a great give away you have. I have done all waht you asked me. Now I hope I win!! I'm not a lucky girl with winnig give aways
I have just become a follower of your blog, hurrah.
I have just become a follower of Gum Tree Designs too!!
Hi Vikki
I have the Gum Tree Designs button on my blog.
I am follower of Gum Tree Designs and your blog too...
...3 entries ,please
Márta from Hungary
I'm now a follower of Sew Useful Designs and Gum Tree. Exciting.
Hi, thanks for the opportunity to win!
I put the button on my blogs sidebar for one entry.
And I am also a follower of the Gum Trees blog, for my second entry.
What a verry nice giveaway!!! I have put the button for the new group on my sidebar :)
I follow you on Among the Gumtrees.
Thanks Vikki.....;)en have a nice day....
groetjes Tineke
I have followed all instructions, please include me!
I became a follower of gumtree and of you blog and I have put the button on my sidebar
Thats really exciting ! Cant wait to see the first design ! Thanks for this great idea and ofc for your giveaway ! I am follower of both blogs now.
I have put the requested blog button on my blog and linked it back to Gum Trees.
Aloha Vikki!
I have added your button & link to my sidebar! Thank you!
I am also a follower of Gum Tree Designs!
And of course, I'm now a follower of yours'!
Wow Great giveaway. I would love to enter and win :-) I have added your blog to my blogline list.
hi! great blog!!
I´a follower on your blog
I put the gummitree button on my blog
and Im a follower of the gummitreee blog....
thnaks for the great blog and the giveaway
Oh, I like your give-away very much :) I'm follower of Among the Gum Trees blog.
Tatyana from Russia
What a neat give away, and look how many readers you have now!
I have done all 3, please put me in the draw 3 times.
Hey Vikki! Congrats on your new adventure with the other Gumnuts! I wish you all the best in your new venture. And NINE give aways! WOW! That Bronwyn Hayes bag is one I drool over every time I see it - and I got to meet her on the weekend!! :0) Have added the Gum Trees button to my sidebar, so hopefully some more people will come and join your fun! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Hello darling, I've been good and done my bit. I am so thrilled for all your smart girls....... I knew you were all clever talents being hidden......well done hun.
Ohh.. wow .. what a giveaway.. lots and lots of my favourite designers,.. oh my... please add me to the giveaway!!! :o)
Gum Tree logo on my blog already.. am a follower to both your and Gum trees blog...
And I want to wish you all good luck.. and I look forward to see what you all are up to!!
Wow! I just can't believe all the fabulous prizes I am seeing on the Gum Tree designers blogs!
My first comment is to confirm I have placed the Gum Tree button on my blog and linked back to the blog.
Thank you,
I'm now a follower of your blog:) Barb.
I'm also a follower of Among the gum trees :) Barb.
I've also put the button on my blog so hopefully that means I'm entered three time in this beautiful giveaway :) Barb.
I posted the button for Among the Gum Tree blog and also became a follower, and I'm a follower to your blog :o)
I've put the button on my sidebar and hope this gives me an entry in your giveaway,
For a second entry I have added you to my subscriptions on GoogleReader and I hope that means that I'm a follower,
from Italy
Here i am again to let you know that I added the GumTree blog to my subscription list yesterday when it was launched. This will give me a third chance to win, I hope,
from Italy
Hi Vikki,
I have done all 3 things you have asked ...I would jump through a hoop is I had to to win that purse pattern.
Among the Gum Tree button is added to my blog
it's me again...just wanted to let you know I am a follower of Among the Gum Trees Blog
I am also a follower of your blog :-)
This so so exciting. I am following all the blogs and the Gum Tree blog and added the Gum Tree link to my blog yesterday.
Oops, just realised that I need to do three comments for the three entries. Here is my second - I have done all three things.
And here is my third comment. This is one of the most exciting things that has happened for a long time.
Hello Vikki!
1. I also am a follower of the Gum Tree Designers blog
2. I am also a follower of your blog
Well, I did it. Put the logo on my blog! I really like your joint effort!
Here I am again. This time to tell you I did become a follower of the new blog earlier this morning...
And for the third time... I did become your follower too.
I have done all 3 things you have asked!
Congratulations! This is a fantastic blog!
Abile from Hungary
hi Vikki.....number 1: I'm a follower of your blog (and love it!)
;o) Wendy B
Number 2: I'm a follower of Among the Gum Trees too!!!
sorry no blog so no number 3!!! ;o(
Can't wait to see what's next!!!!
;o) Wendy B
I put the button to my blog's sidebar.
Great giveaways! :)
I am a follower of the Among the Gum Trees.
And I'm a follower of your blog too! :)
Good to see you all please put me in your give away as I am a follower and have the link on my side bar.
Big Hugs
I have the Gum Tree button on my sidebar. I love giveaways. I also love stitching.
I am a Amoung the Gum Trees follower.
I am a follower of your blog.
OK, done joined following your blog and among the gum trees. Love giveaways such fun
wow what a exciting give away - would love to win this great gift. I´m a follwer to the among gum trees blog. Hugs, Helle
That red brolly bag is just gorgeous and the other items a great too.
woohoo..and have also the button on my blog sidebar yiiibii ;-)
Hugs, Helle
Have added the button to my blog. Cheers Kylie
Am now following your blog and gum trees blog.
#2 comment to confirm I am now a follower of your blog
Thank you,
#3 comment to confirm I am a follower of the Gum Tree blog.
Thank you,
1. my blog has its linked button added to the side bar. hugs xxx
2. I am a follower of Among the Gum Trees hugs xxx
3. I'm already one of your followers. hugs xxx
I1ve already added your logo on my blogroll and link it back to your new blog.
I'm a follower on The Gum Trees blog...
... and now I'm a follower on your beautiful blog too!
Thank you for a great chance!
I am new to your blog but wow what a discovery. I am , as of now, an official follower of yours and the Gum tree gang. Sorry I have no blog.
Here's my email with thanks Angela
Yes I am a follower of Among The Gum Trees. lovely package you have for your give away.
Hi Vikki,
I have already don Step 1, 2 and 3 - so please enter me in the Pot.
This Projekt is absolutely phantastic from all of you.
Thaks a lot for this.
I joined the new blog today! Good work to all.
Great giveaway! I have the button on my sidebar!
I am a follower of Gum Tree Designs.
I am a follower of your blog.
I'm just became a follower on The Among the gum trees blog and also a follower of your blog.
There is a link to the Among the gum Trees on my blog
hugs Judith
Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaways! I've posted the Gum Tree button on my blog! :0)
I'm already a follower of the Gum Tree blog! Thanks again! :0)
And I'm a follower of your blog too! Have a great day! :0)
I've put the button on my blog. I'm waitting for your visit. See you.
I'm a follower o The Gum Tree.
I'm following your blog too.
I like the Gum tree very much and put the button in my sidebar.
I am followin gum tree and you now. Looking forward to your posts.
I am a follower.....thank you for the inspiration.
Hi Vikki, I am a follower of your blog, and I just joined up at Gum Tree Designs too, but I can't seem to do the button on my blog. Help! (I've been eyeing off that Bronwyn Hayes bag for a while's hoping!)
All three completed. I think. COmputer's UGHHHH!
Wow Vikki. What lovely gifts you are giving. I'd love to win, so have added the button to my sidebar.
I've now become a follower of your blog - looking forward to seeing what you get up to.
I'm also a follower of the "Nutty" blog.
i have put the button on my blog
Looking forward to follow
Love from Denmark
and me..Lone
Terrific giveaway Vikki, I follow you through google reader, not sure if that counts.
Have added the button to my blog.
I am also a follower at The Gumtree blog
Looks exiting what you all are doing
Best Wishes from Denmark
Am a follower of the gum trees blog.
I am also finally following Your blog on the net
Fine things u are making and a exiting blog
Keep it up
Love from Lone
Hi, I'm following the Among the Gum Trees and have the logo in my blog,also new I'm following of this blog. I love the patchwork and work with needle. would be wonderful to participate in your contest. This Christmas would be fun to give to my family, my work done with my hands with love. I've posted on my blog your news Sorry for my mistakes, I'm from Spain and my english isn't very good. Hugs and kisses.
Lovely gifts and thank you for the chance to join. The Gum trees button is on my sidebar.
Of course I am a follower of the Gum Trees blog.
I am also a follower of your site and thank you for your generous idea.
Hi there...what an exciting venture this is for all you wonderful talented gals!!! Please count me in your giveaway. I have put the button on my blog♥x
Hello I'm back and have become a follower of Among The Gum Trees♥x
And I have become a Follower of your blog...Blessings to you, Dzintra♥x
Thsnks for the new blg, I've written about it on my blog.....
..... and am a follower of Gumtreedesigns.....
I am a follower and I have put your button on my blogg. Good Luck with Gum Tree Design.
... and am a follower of your blog as well.
Thanks for this great give away
How exciting for everyone!
I follow both blogs
Congratulations with your new blog. I have added it to my sidebar. I am also a follower on your blog and follower on the Among the gum trees blogg. I have also blogged about it.
I am a follower on your blog
I hope to those pattern.
I am a follower to Among the Gum trees blog..
I have put a link and the Button on my blog
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