Gosh, it’s been an exciting week! First off, I received a copy of the current Creating Country Threads magazine and was delighted to see my first published project!
The guitar-shaped wall hanging is a plectrum holder. I designed it for both my brother and Mr SUDs as they are both guitarists, and it is always so hard to think of things to make for men. So this idea was borne. The plectrums are placed in little plastic pockets sat behind the metallic-threaded guitar strings. The project is personalised with the name of the recipient, hence its title, “Scott Rocks!”
The plectrum holder above is the one I made for my brother, Den. He is a Simpsons fan, hence the licensed plectrums!! Do you like it??
Here it is on the front cover together with fellow friend and gumnut, Jenny’s, sweet bag. Jenny is also profiled in this issue, it’s a lovely read!! Do you recognise her Shabby Roses quilt, pictured?
And Jenny’s daughter, young Blossom, also has a project published!
Also, former member of Among the Gum Trees, Paula Storm, has a very sweet project within the pages of this issue. :-)
I had a "Hen’s night” get-together with some girlfriends last night and it was lovely – and very tame! LOL… A couple of weeks ago three girlfriends took me out for a day in the City and embarrassed me suitably by making me wear a funny T- shirt all day, which was then updated to a 1970’s outfit! I got some very strange looks I can tell you! But I’m a 70’s girl at heart so behind the blushing I was “lovin’ it!”
Today my family and I went up to Cloudehill Gardens to meet our celebrant for the wedding rehearsal. It’s been a glorious day, with full sun and temperatures of 34c degrees.
Our friends, Paul & Jo (no blog!), are talented photographers and have very kindly offered to take our wedding photos. So they too joined us as we all enjoyed taking in the sights of the beautiful surroundings, with a view to finding key spots for photo opportunities. There are so many that the only problem will be limiting the options so that we have time enough to make it back to our own Reception! LOL…
Above: If the weather stays good our ceremony will be held right down on the right hand side… just past that wall…
Isn’t it gorgeous?
On the subject of wedding preparations, all is going well. Tonight I shall be playing around with these:
Until next time – enjoy the views!
Hugs all round! Vikki x