Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Beginnings kits and some warmth for Japan

I have been sat here reflecting so much on world events that I didn’t know where to begin to write this post. I have written and re-written it several times… because when it comes to matters of the heart, words fail me.

I feel heartbroken for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as all of us do. And so often we feel a very human need to help in any way we can, especially on a practical level.

sleeping bagToday, I read on Superbuzzy’s blog that an American sleeping bag manufacturer is supplying winter weight sleeping bags to those who greatly need them in Japan, for only $6 US dollars, each.

So I purchased sleeping bags… and if you would like to do the same please click here. You can read about the initiative in Superbuzzy’s March newsletter, here.

To anyone reading this post who has been affected by the global natural disasters around the world, I’d like you to know that I am holding you in my prayers. xx


I had a sort through my sewing patterns recently and had a pile of them sitting on my sideboard ready to go to the Op shop… and then I discovered the perfect place for them – Queensland. I got the details and address from the Among the Gum Trees blog!

This pile of patterns:

QLD patterns

Will be heading here…

QLD Quilters address parcel

Who knows, maybe one of those patterns is one that a fellow sewer has always wanted, or perhaps even lost. I was thinking that if I lost my craft patterns and magazines, I’d be most sad at losing those that were no longer available to purchase. Opportunity shops are a great source for buying old magazines to add to your collection, or to fill any gaps. I never throw magazines out – they always go to the charity shop!

The Gum Tree Designers have done a wonderful job coordinating ‘New Beginnings kits’ (their own initiative) to be sent to quilters and sewers in Queensland, NSW and Victoria townships that have been affected by floods. I read on the blog today that approx. 450 kits have been received from lovely sewers, along with donations for postage and other craft supplies. That sure would have kept those angel co-coordinators busy! Thank you SO much Gum Tree gals!!!

I made two kits, both containing needle cases and scissor keepers that I made from patterns in Lynette Anderson’s book, It’s Quilting Cats and Dogs. Want to see?

QLD sewing kits

The little animals are retractable tape measures – if you look at the pig you can see the tape measure coming out of his ear! (So if you make a mistake with your measuring – you can honestly say – “I made a real pigs ear of that!” Ha!)

LA needlecase

LA needlecase inside

Well guys, I will leave you on a very happy note because this is my 150th blog post! So I will be having a giveaway…. the thinking cap is on and I shall give full details in my next post!

Until next time – hugs!

Vikki :-) x

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Fairy Park

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a pretty little princess named Rosie…

Geelong 1

“Welcome to my Kingdom!” exclaimed the little princess! “Let me take you on a tour!”

Geelong 2

In to the castle we wander

Geelong 3

Prince Aaron mounts his noble steed…

Geelong snail

While the little princess takes the snail trail!

Geelong 7

King Toad watches over the kingdom to make sure there are no villains…

Geelong 9

…because if caught, they are placed in the stocks for later questioning. (Nb. Prisoners who are generous with lollies/candy have been known to be released without charge *wink*!)

Geelong 13

The kingdom is vast and plentiful…

Geelong 6

Geelong 11

Geelong 14

With houses just the right size for little princesses!

Geelong 12

Geelong 4

And 1930’s play equipment that is so much fun!

Geelong 15

If you are very quiet and listen carefully… you can hear the fairies singing in the beautiful gardens!

Would you like to visit too? Head on over here to find out more!

Until next time…

Love and hugs from the Regal SUDs!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Polka dots… you know I love you!

I have gone super-crazy, stark raving bonkers and wild with passion over red and white polka dots! (As some might say… I don’t get out much! Ha!)

The love affair began a few months ago when I started collecting kitchenware items for the gorgeous Deb in NZ. Deb is doing up her kitchen (hence the theme) and I wanted to surprise her with a special package because she’s such a sweet friend. A friend who has really made a difference and has put a smile on my dial more times than I can shake a stick at! :-)

(There you go Deb – some wonderful mental imagery for you – me looking in the mirror and shaking a stick while I smile!!!)

Debs gifties

Egg cups, tea bag saucer, apron, mushroom decorations, buttons, chocolates and a very special item designed especially for Deb – that I am yet to be able to show you – so there’s just a sneak peek in the photo.

Deb also won the Christmas-themed photo album cover that I gave away after designing it for ‘Simply Christmas’ over at the Shabby Art Boutique (talking of which – have you seen Kerryanne’s recent sneak peeks? GAWJUS!!)

Back to the polka dots! The love affair has been in full swing, and I recently succumbed again when making a bag for my friends’ birthday…

Bella bag 1

I created this bag using the Bella bag pattern by Moonshine Designs, and the pattern is absolutely fabulous! :-) Easy to follow with great instructions to get that professional finish.

Bella bag 2

Bella bag inside

I added a key fob to the inside of the bag so that keys or a mobile phone holder (in this instance) could be attached. To the inside pocket I added a love-heart shaped zipper pull manufactured by Birch. Very easy to do with only a couple of minor ‘naughty’ words uttered during the installation process!

I then put together a mobile phone holder and in true Vikki fashion, I was still sewing half an hour before I left for the party. Due to my panic, I wound up making it too small. Mr SUDs very helpfully contributed: “You should have got the dimensions for the phone!”…

…to which I replied, “I DID!”

We both had a good giggle, with Mr SUDs obviously thinking that he should have seen that one coming!!!

Bella bag mobile phone holder

But hey – I bet no-one else has a lipstick holder attached to a key fob in their hand bag????!!!! Ah yes – that’s what it was intended for all along!!!! <cheeky grin> :-)

Bella bag bangle

My friend really loves to coordinate her attire, and I love to make coordinating ‘everything’, so I purchased a wooden bangle and covered it in strips of fabric, adhering them to the inside edge of the bangle using a hot glue gun. It was quick and easy to make… and as a dear friend of mine in England would say, “Yeah – it looks it n’all!!” LOL

Well that’s enough spotty dotty news for one day… but I’m sure there will be future instalments!

Till next time – don’t forget to have some fun!

Hugs! Vikki :-)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mr SUDs!

Wow my friends – can you believe it has been a year since Mr SUDs and I tied the knot?! Neither can I – it has passed so quickly!

Saturday 5th March welcomed our very first anniversary of marriage, and what a glorious day it was too! The sun shone, the temperature was perfect and we headed off to our wedding destination, Cloudehill, to enjoy the surrounds, enjoy each other’s company and the company of our children, and reminisce!

Cloudehill 2

Cloudehill 1

Cloudehill Rosie among plants

Cloudehill 3

Cloudehill water lily

One year ago on our special day…

garden smiles small

And one year on…

Cloudehill Vik and Scott

I can’t imagine ever being unhappy with this man – he’s been making me smile for 11 years!

Anniversary roses

Happy anniversary Mr SUDs! I loves ya! xx

Until next time – enjoy smelling the roses!

Vikki xoxo

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sweet baby Eloisa…

Tiny fingers, dinky toes

Rosebud mouth and button nose…

Baby Eloisa 1

My friends’ first babe, a pure delight…

A happy, healthy little Sprite!

Baby Eloisa 2 picnik

Six months old and each day cuter…

Baby Eloisa 4 picnik

Your daddy will battle the queues, for your suitor!

Baby Eloisa 3 picnik

May this quilt comfort you day and night…

in to your future, oh so Bright! :-)

Dear sweet baby Eloisa, thank you for your sweet smiles and gorgeous giggles! Love you to bits! Auntie Vikki xxxxx


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