I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful weekend?!
This morning saw the awakening of young Rosie along with the dawn… it took a while for these bleary eyes to focus on the shiny wrappers of the Easter eggs that the Easter Bunny had very kindly left hidden inside the house.
The sun is shining and I am sat here listening to my family enjoy the fresh air outside in the garden. I’ve left them to it so that I could pop inside and say Hello!
I have some finishes to share with you! Do you remember the ceramics that Rosie and I painted last week? This is what they looked like before they were fired:
And after…
I also completed painting the little crib that I picked up for Rosie at the op shop. It went from this:
To this…
I made a little mattress first, then a sheet, and a double-sided blanket, topped with a teeny weeny pieced quilt using fabrics designed by Lynette Anderson.
It has been a very busy week in the SUDs household. We had an old friend from Blighty stay with us for a couple of days and I can’t tell you how good it was to hear a London accent! Love it! The lovely thing about having guests from overseas is showing them the local sights. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great but we frequented some of my favourite ‘burbs’ up in the Dandenong Ranges.
I also went to the AQC last Saturday which was as inspirational as always! I didn’t take any photos, there were quite a few signs up at the stands requesting no photography. But I had a lovely time with my ‘painting buddies’ Anne and Karen. (They’re busy gals – but I might get them blogging one of these days!!!)
I was thrilled to bits to meet Lizzie from A House in the Country. We got time for a hug, and will hopefully meet up at the next show! Lizzie is just as I imagined her – as vibrant and gorgeous in ‘real life’ as she is in her written word! Lizzie was with the wonderful Jodie and Annie. I have to tell you that Jodie was sporting the most amazing red polkadot-with pom-pom trolley that I drooled all over (Sorry Jod if it got wet… thank goodness you made it from oilcloth!!!)
I was very refrained – unlike me I know! But I did buy these fabrics from my favourite stall, Thread and Ginger.
These are Tilda fabrics. I also picked up these romantic fabrics by Quilt Gate, it’s the Mary Rose Collection.
I have been stealing a few moments in between kids play dates and general holiday-activities, to write a new pattern too… burning the midnight oil as it’s the only time of the day where there is complete peace and quiet! Aaaahhhh the serenity!!!!
I’d just like to take this opportunity my friends, to apologize for not responding to my comments of late – time has just run away with me and it really prays on my mind that I haven’t replied even just to say “thanks for dropping by!” I really appreciate you taking the time to stop and leave me a note – so please forgive me and know that I sincerely enjoy reading your messages. I shall give myself a wrap over the knuckles on your behalf!
Lots of love to you all and HAPPY EASTER!
Hugs! Vikki xo