I LOVE creative journals!
Growing up in my teenage years I would decorate the front of my hard-backed diaries using whatever I had to hand. For example, I was in to glass-painting one year and drew a four-leaf clover on my journal with a gutta pen (it’s like a liquid lead) and filled in the leaves with green dye. It was quite glitzy and added interest. But these days my journals are needing some pizzazz! How I’d love for them to look like this…
These pictures are of journals created by Kerryanne English from the Shabby Art Boutique. I love her work! I wish I could draw as beautifully as she does, and I wish I could delve in to her journals and devour the eye-candy and inspiration! It would be a bit like a millionaire rolling around in money… or a dog in rolling in dirt… but I’d be much more graceful, honest! :-)
I’ve learned something important over the past few months, and that is that everyone has their own unique style and whether we believe we can draw or not has very little to do with how creative we choose to be. It’s all about letting go and having fun! When I went to art college, student journals would be on display for all to see, and I put immense pressure on myself for them to be ‘perfect’ (whatever that is). It hindered my creativity because I didn’t feel ‘free’ to express myself. But in everyday life, nobody has to see our journals unless we choose to show them – they are ours – there are no pressures or boundaries in reality. The only boundaries and pressures are those we put on ourselves.
So how about it? Do you need a little help to push you in the right direction, to get those creative juices flowing and to give you some confidence? Well I know just the place! Kerryanne is celebrating her 200th post at this very moment and her giveaway prize is “inspiration and knowledge”, which comes in the form of her new e-course aptly named, Embracing the Passion.
Just click on the picture above and it will take you straight to Kerryanne’s giveaway! And if you blog about it you get more entries! But be quick because it closes tomorrow afternoon at 4pm Australia time. Good Luck! :-)
Now, talking of inspiration, there was plenty bouncing about on Monday when my DD and I visited the lovely Vicki from Tozz’s Corner! <insert jumping up and down, here!> We actually visited Tozz’s Corner! Yay!!! :-) And what a creative corner of the world it is too! I don’t mean to make you green with envy, but OH WOW you should have seen her quilts!!! Vicki laid them out on her bed, one at a time, until there was a big quilt sandwich - It was a bit like the story of The Princess and the Pea! Each quilt more beautiful than the next! Amazing! And Vicki is such a sweetheart too! I really enjoyed our visit – thanks so much Vicki!!! :-)
Here we are enjoying a ‘real’ hug, not just cyber ones! I am on the left and Vicki is on the right, hasn’t she got a lovely smile?
Right – I’m off out now to take my DS to soccer practice, it’s all go in the SUDs household! :-)
Oh – and as if I could forget! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your gorgeous birthday wishes (in my last post)! You made my day!
Until next time – Embrace the Passion!!!
Hugs! Vikki x