Thursday, May 27, 2010

Creative Journaling and meeting a special friend!

I LOVE creative journals!

Growing up in my teenage years I would decorate the front of my hard-backed diaries using whatever I had to hand.  For example, I was in to glass-painting one year and drew a four-leaf clover on my journal with a gutta pen (it’s like a liquid lead) and filled in the leaves with green dye. It was quite glitzy and added interest. But these days my journals are needing some pizzazz!  How I’d love for them to look like this…

Kerryannes journals

kerryanne 2 And this…

Kerryannes doodles 

These pictures are of journals created by Kerryanne English from the Shabby Art Boutique.  I love her work!  I wish I could draw as beautifully as she does, and I wish I could delve in to her journals and devour the eye-candy and inspiration!  It would be a bit like a millionaire rolling around in money… or a dog in rolling in dirt… but I’d be much more graceful, honest! :-)

I’ve learned something important over the past few months, and that is that everyone has their own unique style and whether we believe we can draw or not has very little to do with how creative we choose to be.  It’s all about letting go and having fun!  When I went to art college, student journals would be on display for all to see, and I put immense pressure on myself for them to be ‘perfect’ (whatever that is). It hindered my creativity because I didn’t feel ‘free’ to express myself.   But in everyday life, nobody has to see our journals unless we choose to show them – they are ours – there are no pressures or boundaries in reality.  The only boundaries and pressures are those we put on ourselves. 

So how about it?  Do you need a little help to push you in the right direction, to get those creative juices flowing and to give you some confidence?  Well I know just the place!  Kerryanne is celebrating her 200th post at this very  moment and her giveaway prize is “inspiration and knowledge”, which comes in the form of her new e-course aptly named, Embracing the Passion.

embracing the passion

Just click on the picture above and it will take you straight to Kerryanne’s giveaway!  And if you blog about it you get more entries!  But be quick because it closes tomorrow afternoon at 4pm Australia time.  Good Luck!  :-)

Now, talking of inspiration, there was plenty bouncing about on Monday when my DD and I visited the lovely Vicki from Tozz’s Corner!  <insert jumping up and down, here!>  We actually visited Tozz’s Corner! Yay!!! :-)  And what a creative corner of the world it is too!  I don’t mean to make you green with envy, but OH WOW you should have seen her quilts!!!  Vicki laid them out on her bed, one at a time, until there was a big quilt sandwich - It was a bit like the story of The Princess and the Pea!  Each quilt more beautiful than the next!  Amazing!  And Vicki is such a sweetheart too!  I really enjoyed our visit – thanks so much Vicki!!! :-)

Here we are enjoying a ‘real’ hug, not just cyber ones!  I am on the left and Vicki is on the right, hasn’t she got a lovely smile?

Vikki and Vicki_thumb[8]

Right – I’m off out now to take my DS to soccer practice, it’s all go in the SUDs household!  :-)

Oh – and as if I could forget!  THANK YOU SO MUCH for your gorgeous birthday wishes (in my last post)!  You made my day!

Until next time – Embrace the Passion!!!

Hugs!  Vikki x

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How Old?!!

Has it really been a year since my last birthday?! Geesh, it seems like only yesterday!

I’ve had such a wonderful day!  DD woke me up at a decent hour this morning with a special gift she’d wrapped in a baby-wipe for me.  It was a little plastic frog, and now resides in the centre of our table at Rosie’s request.  How cute, I shall treasure it!

Downstairs for birthday cuddles, cups of tea, and special poochie snuggles from Kayla…

Kayla birthday girl

I took this photo while looking down on her as she snuggled in to me.  I am a very spoilt girl… I was testing out my new camera!

camera and frog 

I’ve been using my DS’s camera for the best part of a year!  (He’s patient isn’t he?!!)  My new little frog is in the above picture too, along with a “finish” for this week…

Doily 3

Doily 2

I made this feminine doily from a sweet pattern by Mothers Cupboard, designed by the lovely Fiona.  The pattern has suffolk puffs all around the edges, but this lace was just screaming at me to be used in the project (really, it was SO noisy! Tut!) :-)

(BTW… have you seen Fiona’s tutorial for making shabby gloves?  Gorgeous!)

foot rest

My extended family and I went out for afternoon coffee and cake at my favourite gluten-free cafe, and this evening I plan to do a bit more of the above!  Putting my feet up… on my new foot-rest!  Maybe a bit of sewing too?  And a family movie date.  Whatdya think?  Perfect end to a perfect day!  :-)

Hope you’ve had a good one too!

Birthday hugs!! Vikki x

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Seasonal Notes!

I had such a funny ole’ day on Thursday!  Kinder duty kept me busy for the morning and it was actually really good fun; but then my own darling little angel threw the biggest hissy fit in her four-year-old history and it all kind of went a bit fuzzy from there!

Quite a few (hundred) deep breaths later I managed to secure her safely in her car seat to drive the journey home, all the way wondering what on earth I’d done wrong in my parenting that my daughter could behave in such a bad way.

It was therefore a lovely surprise to come home and find my copy of Country Threads waiting in the mailbox.  One of my favourite projects, Seasonal Notes, has been published…

Seasonal notes 1



This fabric-covered festive notebook has removable pages which means it will never go out of date, and can be used as a Xmas decoration when your list-writing is complete :-)

There are some wonderful projects in this issue of Country Threads (Vol 10).  If you live in Australasia, here’s what to look out for…

CT front cover

If you live further afield but would like to purchase a copy of Seasonal Notes, I have some e-patterns available in my etsy store  :-)

So just as I thought my day had improved, I then went and trod in a little ‘parcel’ that my pup had left for me… and continued for a little stroll around the house before my nostrils were alerted to the problem! LOL…

Oh well, if you don’t laugh you cry eh?!!!

Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!

Hugs! Vikki x

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More inspiration…

…was found at The Stiches & Craft Show, last weekend!

SandC display 2

Life-size crochet girl was excited to see us… she was part of a “birthday party”-themed installation – together with these guys…

SandC display 1

SandC display 3

Ooh – and yummy felt party food!

jodie elephants

And infamous characters to meet!  From the wondrous world of Ric-Rac, do you recognise Parsley and Beet?

jodie turtles

How about Ernst & Pebble

jodie selvedge dress

And then of course there’s the infamous “selvedge dress”!  I had a big smile on my face while catching up with Jodie, I went to her “blog talk” and I swear - I could listen to her chat for hours – she’s so funny!

the red thread 

Lisa from The Red Thread neighboured Jodie, and her stall was a bright display filled with beautiful happy faces smiling from every square inch!  I really fell in love with them!  For a closer look, check out this link.

I wish I had more photos to show you… I was too busy ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ and chatting! :-)

If you live in Australia and get the opportunity to attend a Stitches & Craft show, I highly recommend it.  Incredibly well-organised, with an abundance of free activities to participate in; fantastic stalls and stall-holders, and workshops, and displays…I had an absolute ball!

Before I head off, did you know that Jenny is auctioning off her ‘Beauty is Timeless’ cushion?

It is for a fantastic cause.

To find out more about the auction,  click here

Right… back to my stitching!  (I do sew sometimes – honest!)

Hugs! Vikki x

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Australasian Quilt Convention

Where do I begin to tell you about the AQC that was held in Melbourne last week?! Maybe with a few pics of the awe-inspiring quilts that were on display?

Canopy by Gloria Loughman

How I love to look up into the sky on an autumnal day through a canopy of trees, and this quilt conveyed that feeling perfectly!  Above is a picture of the 2009 award-winning quilt - “Canopy” - by Gloria Loughman.

They grow up so fast

Wow!  “They grow up so fast” by Helen Golden.  Ya know, I really wish these photos did the quilts justice!   I was lost for words when I witnessed them in reality – and that really isn’t like me! LOL…


Wow, again! (I know, I know, my vocabulary is extensive!) Look at the depth of field in this monotone quilt!  Entitled, “Yvonne” and created by Georgia Button, it was awarded the Best Junior Entry.

Mirror Mirror by Terina Walton

And I can so relate to the message in this quilt!  “Mirror, Mirror’ is the humorous masterpiece borne from the creative mind of Terina Walton.  It tickled me pink!  Here’s a close-up…

Mirror Mirror close up 

To view more award-winning quilts, check out this link.

The ACQ was held in a wonderful location too – in The Royal Exhibition building – want to see?

Royal exhibition centre

Okay – should I rephrase that?  “Would you like to see the ceiling?”  he he…  I’m just setting the scene!  Isn’t it spectacular?

I had such an amazing day!  I got to meet two of my favourite Aussie designers for the very first time, and that was SO exciting!  Firstly, there was the lovely Monica Poole of Moon Shine Designs.

Monica Poole

Monica is standing to my left and she was as lovely in person as she is in this photo :-)  Monica is renowned for her beautiful fresh quilt designs and bag patterns, and has now released her own Fashion Range of patterns, too.  I was thrilled to see so many of her samples on display – all made to perfection – and all in the most scrummiest of fabrics.  Having begun her career in fashion design, it is no wonder that Monica’s eye for style and colour is exquisite and paramount in her work.  Pure tactile bliss!  To find out more about Monica, click here

I decided upon this gorgeous bag pattern (it was hard to choose just one!)

Bella pattern

I also met the vibrant Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly Designs.  She is such a warm and lovely person, and to see her designs ‘in the flesh’ was pure delight!

Bronwyn Hayes

Have you visited Bronwyn’s blog?  She has such a gorgeous sense of humour, which is all-so-evident in her designs!  They, and she, are gorgeous!!  Go visit Bronwyn to see more pics of the show and view a close-up of her wonderful new BOM, pictured behind us in the above photo.

Natalie Bird

So I met two of my favourite Aussie designers for the FIRST time, and I met another favourite for the second! Here’s the lovely Natalie Bird, from The Birdhouse.  I met Natalie last year on the Thread and Ginger Patchwork stand, and it was great to see her again this year, smiling away!  The Thread and Ginger stand is one of my favourites – each year it catches my eye!  Do you notice the “Tilda” quilt on display in the background?  The pattern is in the Sew Pretty Homestyle book by Tone Finnanger, of which I have a copy, and of which I love to make gifts from!  Natalie has a new book due out in May – how exciting!  And she has recently entered the world of blogging – go drop by and say hello!

So besides the gorgeous bag pattern, what else did I purchase?

Wool offcuts

These luxurious scraps of wool from Boatshed Quilting.  I’ve been waiting to find this fabric (in an affordable quantity) in order to make this. (For those of you who have known me for a while… ahem… I know – it’s been a long while since I purchased that pattern!!)

I also bought some deliriously gorgeous supplies to make a new bag.  I have lots of ideas buzzing around in my head!

handbag hardware

Studios mag

And last but not least I bought some inspiration in the form of a Studios magazine by Cloth Paper Scissors.  Ah well, that wasn’t all I bought, but I can’t show you the other two items otherwise it might spoil a surprise!

What a great day hey?  I hope you’re feeling as inspired as I am!

Hugs!  Vikki x

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An extra-special design, buying Homespun magazine overseas; and an exhibition

Did you enjoy the Mothers Mania posts on Among the Gum Trees last week?  I sure did!  It was great to learn more about my fellow gum tree girls, and I now have several more “must make” projects to add to my list! :-)

our Jenny has designed the most beautiful cushion, and it is on sale until Sunday 9th May (Mothers Day)… and there’s a very special reason why… but I’ll let Jenny tell you.  Just click on the picture below and you’ll be transported to a special post in the wonderful world of elefantz!  :-)

Jenny's cushion

I’ve just purchased my copy of the pattern and can’t wait to stitch it!  :-)


blog homespun front cover

Australian Homespun magazine is an inspiring publication full of wonderful projects each month, and I’m very pleased to be able to provide you with further details of where you can purchase overseas.  I trust this helps :-)

NZ Distributor

Needlecraft: +64 6 356 4793, website:

UK Distributors

The Cotton Patch: +44 121 702 2840, website:

Manor House Magazines: +44 167 251 4288, website:

USA Distributor

Stonehouse Publications: +1 1800 461 1640, website:

Singapore Distributor

Car Kit Pte: +65 6 282 1960, website:


Last but not least, do you remember the fabulous felted shawl that my dear friend Narelle made me for my wedding? 


Well, it is now being exhibited in Melbourne along with items from a number of other talented fibre artists from the members of the Victorian Feltmakers Inc.


The flyer reads:

“A merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole.”

1st – 30th May 2010  (Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9:30 – 4:30pm)

Augustine Centre, 2 Minona Street, Hawthorn 3122 (Melbourne)

Phone: (03) 9819 2844

But if you plan on going please ring before you do so as sometimes the exhibit is closed temporarily while workshops are running within the building.

I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you all about the Australian Quilt Convention I attended on Sunday!Until next time – have a lovely day!  Vikki x


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