Monday, June 7, 2010

Time to spill the beans…

… on my UFOs!

Considering how long some of these projects have been unfinished I think they’d be better named:

U F Uh-Ohs!

Oh my goodness, check out when I finished stitching this one! 2008! Eek! And I still haven’t made it into a cushion!


This beautiful sampler was designed by Lynette Anderson O’Rourke. I’ve got the borders… just need to “do it”!


Oh dear… this Santa doll goes back even further! I reckon I started this doll five years ago!

Double EEK!

north star santa pattern

I’ve done a bit of cutting, a bit of piecing and a bit of stuffing.

Here’s the head, legs and boots!

north st sant

I told a dear friend recently that I’d never pieced a block before… but I have! I’d just forgotten about the little Christmas trees that appear in this Santa’s jacket! Isn’t it a lovely pattern? Click on the pictures to enlarge it if you’d like to see clearer. The pattern is called North Star Santa, designed by Cotton Way. And he’s quite a big fellow, standing at 34ins tall.

North star santa


Seasons greetings

Another Lynette Anderson O’Rourke design (I love her work!) Okay so here is one I finished earlier… I made this one for Lizzie and thought while I was making one, I may as well make two! But this one still sits in my drawer! Tut, tut Vik!


Sparkles n spirit

Okay, this one isn’t technically a UFO, because I haven’t even started it yet! it’s a USP (un-started project!) But I’ve had the bag of fabrics for (ahem) 9 years!!!! One of the things I love the most about creating from patterns is gathering together all the fabrics, trims and embellishments. When I’ve got the kit all together I refer to them as “job bags”, and I have many of them stored for future USPs!

Here’s the contents of the job bag for “Petulia” by Sparkles n Spirit.

sparkles n spirit fabs


Another UFO… and another doll!


Probably my all-time-favourite doll design by my all-time-favourite designer. “Radical Rachel” by Patti Medaris Culea.

Radical Rachel 2

LOL… Poor ole’ Raddy Rache in an un-compromising position! But I couldn’t get all her bits and pieces into the shot without turning her into a gymnast! I stopped with the pattern because I didn’t understand it… but I really must study it again. I just love this doll so much and I can’t wait to get to the stage of drawing her face!

Alrightee… you get the picture… I have quite a few UFOs! But I think the next two are probably the ones I’m most “named and shamed” about – because I published pics of them on my blog almost a year ago now – and their progress is a big fat juicy NIL!

Teddy painting 2 revised

I need to turn this teddy, which is painted on fabric, into a wall hanging. This sweet design is by Luanne Wykes and I found it in Australian Bear Creations Annual Vol.11 no.1.

Last but not least, this gorgeous “Madame la Chat” doll designed by Stephanie Novatski.

Madame la chat painted face

green and pink fabrics le chat 3

Madame la Chat body

She needs a bit of construction work! Why have I procrastinated? She has an elaborate costume and I got sidetracked. Excuses! Excuses!

So now, I am named, shamed and in need of some help… I don’t know where to begin!

So what do you reckon?

What project do you think I should finish first?

Whatever you choose by majority vote, I promise to finish that project before the end of July and have it posted on my blog!

Would you like to join me? Too many projects and don’t know where to start? Why don’t you “spill the beans” too? Let me know if you do! :-)

Until next time – happy stitching! Vikki x


KaHolly said...

Your post today was so affirming! I have as many ufo's and usp's and sometimes it's overwhelming! Radical Rachel really wants to be finished next! She looks darling. ~karen

Terry said...

I say pick the one that's easiest to finish and get it done first! Then that will motivate you to move on to the next project to finish! :0)

Vicki ♥ said...

Oh my goodness have to finish one of your dolls that you have started. They are all looking so very good even in thier half finished state. You have some lovely UFO's and I am sure you will get them done sooner or later :)

Gitte said...

What I like to do when I plan to finish some "oldies" is to start with the one that is finished easiest first. Its such a good feeling to finish somthis thats been hiding in a drawer for ages. So I think I would go for the first one in your post. Cant wait to see your result (maybe you will finish several?)

Anonymous said...

Yes I'm not alone, everybody has so many UFO's. I would like to see Radical Rachel finished, please. So I'm back to my UFO's

Crowing Moon said...

OH Bless you! Thank the God's I'm not the only one. I have so many UFO's USO's and just plain OH NO's I dont even want to think about. I have a stitchery I need to finish that was to go on the wall of our very first home my husband and I bought together. We are now in our 2nd home...where we plan on staying.. and been here nearly 3 years and it still isn't finished yet. I really want to see your Madame La Chat finished though. She looks her face

Cheryl said...

OH Vikki ~ what FUN!! I want to come play in your studio with you for a few days, your UFOs are much more interesting than mine....
For me it's a tie - Radical Rachel and Madame La Chat... although I must say that the Madame looks like somebody I'd like to be friends with! Totally whimsical fun... gorgeous :)
love Cheryl x

Jo in TAS said...

I'd finish the one that has the least amount of work to do, Lynette's sampler!

sandra said...

I want to see Madame La Chat please.

Sue Niven said...

Madam La Chat or Radical Rachel is my choice, I am currently working on crochet at the moment, having just finished making pram blankets for my sister for her baby due in July. No UFO's at the moment. but plenty of projects i want to do though!

Elyte said...

Vikki, the sampler looks close to finished so maybe attack it first. Having been married recently this one symbolises the present and the future for you and your family. Finish this one first. The rest will happen with time.

Janet said...

I was tempted to let you off the hook with the one which would be easiest to finish but decided no... I'd really like to see Radical Rachel or Madame la chat done up to the nines. So those two get my vote.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Madam La Chat!! I cannot wait to see her finished...I've been waiting a while to see her finished. LOL!!!

Janelle said...

Hi Vikki
I would pick the first one of Lynette's as it looks easy, and will help to motivate to do the rest... unless you want to do the most difficult one first, which would make all the others easier!
I have a list of UFOs (probably longer than yours!) on my side bar, which hasn't gotten any smaller for quite some time! I've put it down to my TAFE course... too many arty things to do!
It's great to see you enjoying Kerryanne's course... I've also found it quite helpful, and hopefully it will get me into the whole art journal thing... soemthing I've been wanting to do for a while now.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I remember you painting the pink and green teddy of Luanne's. She is so cute.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

suz said...

I'd do the sampler first - it's almost complete and there will be that "ahhhhh" feeling of accomplishment!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Vikki,
Hm, now I thought I had a lot of UFO'S. Ah, you take the cake honey!
Yep, Luanne's bear is very cute and I think you should finish that before Rosie is a teenager.
While journaling, make a list of pieces you'd like to finish first.

SheilaC said...

I love Leanne' sampler so I would start there...

But you love Rachel... so maybe that should be YOUR choice?


Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Vicki! I am so NOT showing MY UFO list!!! The post with THAT list would just go on ... and on ... and on ... and .....!!! Hosting OPAM the last two years, I've heard some gerat names for unfinished projects ... WISP (work in slow progress), PHD (Project Half Done) ... and as for long term WISPs ... they are known as WISSSSSSSSSSSSSSPs (VERY slow progress!!) or are said to be very WISPy! Tee! Hee! Hee! I say pick the project that's closest to being finished, so you get a quick finish to spur you on. Have fun!! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

Hi Vikki,

I too have project bags...I love hunting down the I'm definitely a USPer from way back. The uh oh UFOs are also inabundance...not to mention unquilted tops. I haven't been game to blog about them...maybe I should.
I would start with the one that either has the least left to do or the one that you love the most :)
Good luck with it
Hugs, Sharon


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