Sunday, July 26, 2009

A gift from me to you :-)

I have had a busy couple of weeks! Most of my time has been spent at my parents-in-law's house packing up 30 years worth of their memories. They are moving house in two weeks' time and the pressure is on to get everything packed and cleaned. For those of you who have emailed me - if I have not yet replied - please forgive me!

So it seems only apt that while I am busy helping my loved ones to relocate their home, I have a design of a country home that I would like to share with you! It is the first of my pattern releases, so please let me know if you like the layout of my instructions or if you think there are any improvements I could make. Thank you! :-)

I designed and made this project for my swap partner Lizzie. You can read about it on Lizzie's blog, or on my last post. :-)

Other than house-moving and writing instructions for patterns, I also helped to make a baby this weekend! I am not being rude - HONEST! LOL...I mean this in the most literal sense! :-) Please let me introduce you to my first (for want of a better word) GRANDCHILD!

He's not of the human variety - thank goodness - I think I would have twins myself if he was!! :-)

My son named him Joefrey Jibba Jabba Stewart, and he weighs in at Four kilos!! As you may have guessed (I'm mad? No not that, but you might be right there as well!) my son and the rest of his classmates are learning about the responsibilities of raising children, this term. They each had to make a baby and will need to care for it at school, never leaving it unattended etc.

Joefrey is constructed using a plastic milk carton filled with sand, and once 'taped up' (oops, I mean once his umbilical cord was tied) we covered him in bubble wrap, then I made a calico head on which my son drew a face. I think he did a pretty good job!

Ah well, hopefully the new arrival should sleep well tonight... he is related to The Sandman, after all!

I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to catching up again once my head emerges from above all the boxes I'm going to be shifting around this week!

Hugs! Vikki xx


Dolores said...

What a nice gift Vikki. I am putting it on my 'to do' list. Since my eldest daughter and her hubby just bought a house (and it's in the country), this little stitchery will come in handy to put on something for Christmas.
Gee I do hope your 'grandson' survives and I did really think you drew the face. Your son has talent.

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

Thank you Vikki,
What a lovely professional job you have done in creating this lovely stitchery, and how generous of you to share it with us. With lovely graphics an d wording, when you make the leap into designing for sale i am sure you will do well. Best of luck on your Grandson!! Just like in real life, things do not always go smoothly all the time, the trick is to do the best you can. As long as your son knows this with the baby he will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Woaw Vikki, congratulations on your first own design. It's very nice. I will go look for a button tomorrow. We have summer holidays, this is so easy to take with me on vacation, when I finished it, I will send you a pitcure. Good luck with your grandchild. Do you have grey hair and rinckles? Like a real grandmom (hihihi)

Jo in TAS said...

Pattern looks great! Only one question though about the wool borders, are they only 1/2" wide?

I'd have drawn sleeping eyes on that baby, he's going to keep everyone awake! Hee! Hee!

Liz said...

I love my 'House in the Country' and I'm sure everyone else will love it too you clever lady you.
Congratulations on the 'birth', thank goodness he doesn't need nappies, certainly won't need milk will he?
Big hugs, Lizzie

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Congratulations grandma... [giggle]. Aaron did a great job with his school project. I hope the baby behaves himself!!
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Deb said...

Your pattern is great Vikki, I remember admiring it on Lizze's blog. Well done you. Congratulations on your grandchild too, who does he take after??? lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vikki for the lovely house in the country pattern. I will put it to good use!

Bev C said...

Hello Vikki, Thank you very much for the pattern,you are a star. I admired this stitchery so will enjoy doing it. 30 years of memories all packed away,wow!!! I hope that new babe behaves.I hope your son has a great time learning about parenthood. Happy days.

~Marica~ said...

Thanks for this little cute stitchery..

Take care!

karenshopes said...

lovely little stitchery thank you,
I'm new to blogging pop over and say hello.


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