Can you guess my favourite colour palette at the moment?
Yes - Green and Pink!
Literally, every project I have made over the last few months has been in this colour palette - and until I started writing a blog - I hadn't even realised!
Literally, every project I have made over the last few months has been in this colour palette - and until I started writing a blog - I hadn't even realised!
Pictured above are the costume fabrics I have chosen for my (WIP) Madame la Chat doll that I posted about here. This dame is still coming along, slowly but surely. But you know the way with cats... sleeping all day n'all... !! :-)
red red red,isn't it great, the things we notice when we blog. I seem to be a red /black / grey person and yet my favourite colour is green !
Your cats face looks gorgeous.
I love your colour combinations and I am on a green binge at the moment. Things I do simply must have green in them. :)
Hhmmm....fav colour??
Too many wonderful colour palettes to choose from. Pinks, purples, greens, blues, pastels, brights.... I wish I was painting!!
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Hi Vikki,
I would have to say that my favorite colours are green and pink, don't they go together beautifully? I agree with Jodie, your cat's face is gorgeous.
There has to be some pink somewhere in any decent looking dragon don't you think?? At the moment I seem to be on a country red and green kick, we'll see how far that goes.
Big hugs, lizzie
Love the cats face, and the colour combo of your dragon quilt is terrific. My favorite colour is red, although I don't use it that often in my quilting.
I think I must be a rainbow child as I love them all but not brown , blah to brown !
No wonder you showed us the bag in your previous post. It's green and pink. I love the colours in your Puff the Magic Dragon quilt - blue and green. Any shade of blue but especially turquoise. Having said that, I am not a colour snob - i like all colours but I like them rich.
Madame la chat's face has turned out really nicely. I like her eyes.
Welcome to my world ... if it isn't green or pink, oh, well ... TTFN ~ Marydon
I also love green and pink with either white or cream as the background.I'm also loving red,white and green as I'm working on a few Chrissy gifts for my giveaway in July (don't miss it)But my all time favourite colours are blue and yellow together with white.So crisp and clean :) Barb.
I'm using a bit of everything these days, not all in the same projects though! Green is my favourite colour too.
Love the Madam's face, your very clever!!
Vikki, pinks and greens are so lovely together, I really like that combination also. I also like chocolate brown with pink or aqua at the moment. Don't where that pairing came from though.
Oh Vikki - you have outdone yourself with Madame La Chat!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Pink and green...add in white, and you have my three favourite colours so far this year. ;-)
Puff is looking exciting! Can't wait to see him!
Hey Vikki! I'm a green girl all the way and only cope with pink when it's teamed with green. At the moment, my projects seem to be the shabby chic colours, some brighter versions, but still the dusty type - am in loooooooove with the Aviary range of fabrics at present - I think it's true love! :0) Can't wait to see Madame all finished - she's already looking fab! Bear Hugs! KRIS
I love your favorite colors and madame chat has very beautifull eyes.
Hi Vikki,
Ah, your colour schemes are lovely.
Pinks and Greens do seem to be most popular at the moment for fabric artists.
I've just finished Kerryanne's painted Sewing angel which was mainly pinks, greens and warm whites.
My paint palette is always a mixture, it depends what i'm working on at the time.
We definitely have our favorite colors in ocmmon! Some lovely projects you share with us.
Love the cats face - it is gorgeous and the detail is amazing. It is interesting how we often gravitate to the same colours - my stash seems to be full of blue fabrics at the moment.
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