I had such a funny ole’ day on Thursday! Kinder duty kept me busy for the morning and it was actually really good fun; but then my own darling little angel threw the biggest hissy fit in her four-year-old history and it all kind of went a bit fuzzy from there!
Quite a few (hundred) deep breaths later I managed to secure her safely in her car seat to drive the journey home, all the way wondering what on earth I’d done wrong in my parenting that my daughter could behave in such a bad way.
It was therefore a lovely surprise to come home and find my copy of Country Threads waiting in the mailbox. One of my favourite projects, Seasonal Notes, has been published…
This fabric-covered festive notebook has removable pages which means it will never go out of date, and can be used as a Xmas decoration when your list-writing is complete :-)
There are some wonderful projects in this issue of Country Threads (Vol 10.no 10). If you live in Australasia, here’s what to look out for…
If you live further afield but would like to purchase a copy of Seasonal Notes, I have some e-patterns available in my etsy store :-)
So just as I thought my day had improved, I then went and trod in a little ‘parcel’ that my pup had left for me… and continued for a little stroll around the house before my nostrils were alerted to the problem! LOL…
Oh well, if you don’t laugh you cry eh?!!!
Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
Hugs! Vikki x
Congratulations on being published again Vikki. It's such a lovely project too.
Oh dear, Miss Rosie doesn't sound quite herself. Prepare yourself Vik, if you think the 4 year old hissy fit is bad, just you wait for the 16 year old one - LOL.
Love & hugs,
Kerryanne xx
Some days you shouldn't get out of bed
I will eagerly await my copy of Country Threads
I like the look of your project
Congratulations! Such a cute project...haven't received my C/Threads in the post yet.
Hard to know why our kids throw tanty's, sometimes my daughter plays up if she's feeling unwell and coming down with something but so pleased your day improved in the way it did!
Congratulations on the gorgeous project being published. Love it.
A hissy fir is often a sign they are not feeling well.
Hope you have no more unwanted parcels to pick up. LOL
Congratulations on your fabulous project being published sweetie..It really is just lovely.
Oh dear, your little puppy is a norty one leaving little surprises lying around like that. I hope Rosie is feeling much better after her performance too. I think she needed extra attention perhaps :) Hugs Vicki
I love it. Will keep checking the bookstore for it's arrival (though here in the US that could still be months from now...hopefully in time for the holidays).
Congratulations on your project being published. What a cute notebook cover.
When my kids were small, it just seemed that there were days like that. They were usually OK by the next day. I guess kids have bad days too.
Puppies can be a hazard that way. I think they make up for it in other lovey ways.
ROFL - oh how well I remember those hissy fits! One child I had to leave completely alone, they'd stop without an audience - but the other I had to hold real tight. If I left him alone, it got worse! Too bad kids don't come with owners manuals.
I love your Seasonal Notes pattern, I'm planning on making some for Christmas this year! Congrats on being published, girl, how thrilling it must be to see your designs in print!
Congratulations with your publication. What nice way of your daughter and your puppy to get your attention (lol)
Vikki it's just gorgeous! and it's the extra little touches that make it stand out from the rest of the crowd. His head tilted to one side, the little birdie's wing slightly lifted... your little people have loads of character. Well done, it's delightful!
and kids were meant to chuck tanty's now and then, it's in the rule book :) she's over it in no time while the mum is still hurting hours later!
love Cheryl xx
Hi Vikki,
Tantrums are good things...it shows she is self-aware and knows what she does and doesn't want....course they are not fun to be around. I remember grimly saying to one of the staff at early intervention..."This is a good thing isn't it?"
She may have just wanted Mummy to herself :)
Lovely project and congrats on being published again...it must feel awesome.
Hugs, Sharon
Congrats on your great project !
It is a gorgeous project Vikki. Is Rosie okay now?? Don't stress about it we all have bad days she has just had her first one - LOL
Hugs - Fee XX
Congrats on having your pattern published! It is so cute!
That's a lovely project in the magazine, well done, Vikki.
Hope your day will be much better today.
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