Saturday, December 5, 2009

RAKs, a ‘win’ and a secret fairy house!

I had just written my blog post when we had a power cut! LOL… yes… you’ve guessed right – the post wasn’t saved! So here I am again with ‘take two’! Although, I have a prediction as to why the power went out…

I reckon Clerk Griswald is on vacation in Australia and must have turned on the Xmas lights down the end of our street!! Do you love that film as much as I do? National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, with Chevy Chase? It’s a ‘must watch’ every December in the SUDs household!!

Anyhow, before I was so rudely interrupted *giggle* I was just telling you how beautiful, kind, caring, warm and considerate you all are! But you knew that already didn’t you? *smiles*.

I had a wonderful and heart-warming surprise last Friday afternoon when a parcel arrived all the way from the lovely Dolores, in Canada. This is what Dolores kindly sent me:


An incredible embroidery magazine that I’ve never seen on the news–stands in Aus; some green and pink fat quarters (my favourite colours – as Dolores knows!); and some ‘kitty’ fabric for my DD, Rosie. Thank you SO much Dolores!!! You’re so very kind and thoughtful! Knowing how much Rosie loves her kitties and sending her some fabric was so very touching {hugs!}. So, I wasted no time at all in whipping-up some little blankets, pillows and sheets for Rosie’s two favourite kitty toys. Here they are tucked up in their beds…

Kitties in beds

I’ll let you into a little tip for having non-bumpy stuffing in little ‘things’ such as these pillows… adhere a fusible wadding to the back of the fabric prior to cutting and sewing. When you ‘stuff’ the pillow, the fabric will already have a nice thick layer over it so any lumps and bumps won’t show through.

This isn’t the only Random Act of Kindness I have encountered as a blogger… several weeks ago my dear and darling friend, Simone, sent me a ‘kit’ to make some cute pixie dolls for Rosie. Simone made these for her own children when they were young… and I feel so incredibly humbled that I will follow in Simone’s footsteps to create these delightful characters for my very own little real-life pixie!

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The kit is to make the little pixies and mushroom in the left-hand picture – aren’t they just adorable? The other picture is a beautiful card containing something even more precious… Simone’s love! I am really excited about getting ‘stuck into’ this project… and it’s getting higher and higher on my ‘to do’ list! Thank you SO much, Simone!!! {hugs!}

I really have been blessed haven’t I? Not just with such beautiful gifties but with the friendship of such thoughtful and loving ladies! Now I am going to share one more of my blessings with you… I was one of seven lucky winners to receive some glorious fabric from Homespun’s competition: “hope chest”…


The fabric range is called Roses de Noel from Dayview Textiles and I now have 32 fat quarters to play with! My intention is to make two quilts – one for Rosie and the other to be donated to charity.

Hey – this will tickle you! I was attempting to be creative when taking photos of the fabric so added my ‘wooden shoe-makers’ mold’ into the mix!


I bought the “shoe” from here because I loved it’s worn charm, but since doing so I’ve never really quite found the right place to display it… or the inspiration for what to display it with! Any suggestions?!!

Talking of suggestions… can I ask for a few more?!! Cheeky aren’t I? Just as cheeky as one of Simone’s little pixies!! he he he…

I am finishing a fairy house for Rosie this Christmas (Shhh!!!) and thought I’d try some ribbon embroidery around the outside walls of the house to give it some textural charm.



However, this is my first attempt at ribbon embroidery and I think I’ve made the spider roses a bit too big! Do you think I should continue on… or do you think I should undo the roses and add some buttons instead? To get a better idea, click on this link (if you want to of course! What a bossy boots I am!) and it will take you to a previous post about the two fairy houses I have already made (from a pattern by Julie McCulloch).

Righto – I’m off to sup on some more flu remedy and then I might sneak in a bit of sewing before bedtime!

Are you enjoying the Advent posts on Among the Gum Trees? I hope so! :-)

Warm wishes my dear friends!

And Hugs… *always* Hugs!! Vikki x


Abby and Stephanie said...

Lovely gifts. Simone is such a sweetheart! Wowzer on the fairy house.

Gloria J W said...

Love the roses on the fairy house...much nicer I think than buttons! You have been blessed... maybe that's because you deserve it!! Rainbow smiles... Gloria

Allie said...

Ah - I think I've seen that movie once, lol! A must around here is the Shrek Christmas special. All the rest are oldies, White Christmas, Wonderful Life, Going My Way, and not an oldie, Elf.
Wonderful gifts for wonderful person - Dolores is a sweetie. And so are you. Love the pixie's too!
The shoe mold is darling, I think it would look good anywhere.
The fairy house - oh my goodness - how beautiful! I think the roses are just fine - fairies are tiny but roses are not, right? That is just stunning. I looked at your other ones too and they're so beautiful! They're giving me ideas, shame on you Vikki - I have too many ideas lately, lol! I hope you're feeling better, sweetie.

Ruby said...

It is hard to judge from a photo but I think the roses are lovely! Proportion is a hard one for me to achieve but in this case I think you are fine. I checked out the pattern site and it states the fairy house is 22 inches so surely your flowers are OK! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit.

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Vikki,
Oh wow, you blow me away with your creativity!

I wish I could give you advice on ribbon roses but I haven't learnt that one yet-one day I intend on learning, maybe I'll come to you for lessons.

Those gifts you received are fantastic and how quick you whip things up.

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

very lovely gifts, just right colours and styles, as for the fairy houses, Keep the large roses! I think they are just beautiful,

Jenny of Elefantz said...

What a lot of wonderful things to comment on!!! The fabric is DIVINE - congrats my darling friend!!! The fair house is sublime...speechless I am, and you know that's saying something. Those kitty bed sets are the sweetest little things - and I can see you'll have fun making the dolls!!
You are such a blessing, Vikki, a giver of heart and self always. I'm thrilled that YOU got blessed!!

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hi Vikki, my, what a wonderful postman you have! and some very generous and kind friends.
The fairy house is looking so lovely, keep the large roses, they look GREAT! Rosie is going to be so happy when she sees this!

Anonymous said...

Vikki, thanks so much for the Plum Pudding Christmas Fairy, she is very cute!!!

Jodie said...

I love that fairy house ....the roses are sweet

Unknown said...

Wow you have been lucky ! I love your fairy house , I make secret fairy doors mmmm must post them soon , take care .

Unknown said...

Girl, you better leave those gorgeous flowers alone!!!!! Your first time at ribbon embroidering? they are so beautiful and don't you know, fairies love their flowers a wee bigger than them sos they can hide behind them...wink! You've got lovely gifts from some lovely friends too! Merry Christmas and great big hugz

Kaaren said...

The roses are wonderful just as thry are, Vikki. Not only do they add texture and dimension but a bit of whimsy too. Faeries love whimsy!

I painted roses on my shoe last and stuck a candle in the hole. It sits on a shelf in our bedroom.

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

The fairy house is truly delightful...the colour is perfect and the roses are gorgeous. They look fine to me are add the perfect finishing touches. Lucky fairies. And lucky kitties too.
That was lovely of Dolores and Simone and congratulations on your prize.
Hopefully this will all cheer you into good health again :)
BTW your plam pudding angel is a darling.

Love and hugs,

PS a little medicinal drinkie might be good too ;)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is my all time fav Christmas movie. It feels like Christmas once you have watched it. Doesn't matter how many times I see it, I still laugh and laugh and laugh.

I'm suppose to be making our own home look like the Griswalds this afternoon, but I snuck onto the computer to look for something and got a wee bit side tracked in blogland [giggle].
Merry Christmas sweetie,
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Vicki ♥ said...

I love the roses sweetie and wouldnt change them for buttons. They look just fabulous and that fairy house is absolutely gorgeous! have totally blown me away with your creativeness. I am so happy you won those gorgeous FQ's :) Congrats on the deserve to win :) hugs sweetie Vicki :)

Karen said...

Hi Vikki,
We also love National Lampoons Christmas and we only watched it a couple of days ago. What a lucky girl you are with all those pressies in the post. Love Rosie's fairy house, you are very clever.
Karen J

Anonymous said...

You got beautifull gifts. Simone is so creative person. I love your spiderroses. LOVE THAT FABRIC

Anneke said...

thanks for the plumpudding-fairy. Love her, but I'm not sure when I'll be making her...

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hey Vikki,
You may like to pop over to my blog.
I've left you an award.

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

I have nominated you for an award, do check out my blog.

Jude said...

You have been very blessed and i am sure you deserve it. the fabrics are wonderful and those little pixies look so cute. I like how your roses have turned out on the fairy house and no don`t take them off they look just right.

Jantine said...

I hope Simone gave you a translation too ;-). Those dolls are not hard to make, but without being able to read Dutch. Or do you? I made them for my kids too!

Micki said...

Those gifts are wonderful! Enjoy them all! The pattern looks like so much fun!

Ida13 said...
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prashant said...

You have been blessed... maybe that's because you deserve it!! Rainbow smiles..

Work from home India


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